Picked your destination? Booked your flight? Now prepare for all of the little things that come with it! Here are some travel tips that will help you to be a little more prepared for your trip. They may sound simple, but you’ll thank us later!
1. Sign your passport. Make sure your passport is valid and signed with all emergency information filled in.
2. Leave copies of your itineraries, passport data page and contact information with friends and family in the states, in case of emergency.
3. Check your medical insurance. Contact with your provider to see if your policy applies over seas. If not, there is an option to get supplemental travelers’ insurance.
4. Research. Familiarize yourself with the laws and conditions of the country you are visiting.
5. Be aware. While in public places, don’t leave bags or luggage unattended, don’t accept packages from strangers and don’t keep excessive amounts of money on you.
6. Packing a carry-on. These days, it is necessary to pack lightly, since airlines are flying smaller planes with less space.
You should also contact TSA to see the most up-to-date information, but here are the basics: Remember that liquids need to be in a 3oz bottle, store your passport in here as well as extra clothing, medication and your itineraries and contract information, incase your luggage is lost.
Safe Travels!